Operating Systems — Saarland University
Winter 2019

[ overview | lectures | project | assignments | textbook | grading | Moodle ]


We use the Moodle online course management system to facilitate course-relevant discussions among students and with TAs and instructors, for the submission of homework solutions, and for announcements.

If you do not have a Moodle account yet, simply create one on first login.


We will from time to time make general announcements on Moodle, including important announcements pertaining to exam schedules and assignment deadlines. Make sure to check these regularly (i.e., daily).

Discussion and General Questions

To ask questions about the course’s content, or about topics generally related to operating systems, use the “General Discussion” forum.

Use this forum to ask questions about any topics covered by the lectures, questions about operating systems in general, if you are looking for teammates, if you’d like to discuss OS design in general, etc.

Note: discussions among students are explicitly encouraged. If you see a question that you can help to answer, or that you are also wondering about, please join the discussion!

Please, email individual staff members only when the communication is personal, and is not related to the course in general.

Project-Specific Questions

If you are having trouble getting Pintos up and running, if you have specifics questions about the assignment, post a question in the “Questions and Answers” forum.

Note: again, discussions among students are explicitly encouraged, so please don’t wait for teaching staff to answer questions — always feel free to jump into any discussion.

Please, email individual staff members only when the communication is personal, and is not related to the course in general.

Submission of Projects

To submit an assignment, first register your group in the “Group Management” forum.

After the instructors have processed the registration, you can submit your assignments via the links in the Assignments Section.