Distributed Systems

Distributed Systems Lab 8: Replicated State Machine

Due: Friday, Feb 10th, 11:59pm.


In this lab you will replicate your lock server using the replicated state machine (RSM) approach (see Schneider's RSM paper for a good, but non-required, reference. We have also discussed an example replicated state machine in the Lecture.) In the replicated state machine approach, one machine is the master and the others are slaves. The master is in charge of receiving requests from clients and executing them on all replicas. To ensure that all replicas have identical state, the replicas must execute all requests in the same order and all requests must produce the same result on all replicas (i.e., the handlers must be deterministic). The RSM uses the Paxos protocol implemented in the previous lab to agree on the current master and node membership to cope with failed and re-joined replicas.

To ensure all requests are executed in a unique total order, the master assigns each request a viewstamp number which dictates the total order. The viewstamp consists of two fields, the view number (obtained from Paxos) and a monotonically increasing sequence number. The viewstamps assigned to all RSM requests dictate a total order among them. In particular, viewstamps with a lower view number are ordered before those with a higher view number. Within the same view number, viewstamps with lower seqnos are ordered before those with higher seqnos. How do we guarantee all viewstamps form a unique total order? This is because Paxos guarantees all view numbers form a total order. Additionally, within each view, all nodes agree on the current view's membership and thus each RSM node can use the agreed upon membership to agree on a unique master who is the only one that can assign each request an increasing seqno to properly order requests within a view.

The primary task in the lab is building a RSM library on top of our existing RPC library so that you can plug in any RPC program you have written so far and replicate it. To ensure the appropriate behavior, however, there are certain constraints on the RPC handlers. Most importantly, the RPC handlers must run to completion without blocking, and be deterministic and idempotent. These constraints will ensure that all replicas execute all requests in the same order and with the same result. Once you have built the RSM library we will ask you to replicate the lock server you built in previous labs using RSM. In this lab it should become clear why we asked you to write the lock server in a way so that there are no blocking RPC handlers, and why we asked you to include sequence numbers.

Getting Started

Begin by updating your lab directory with the new infrastructure code for lab 8. Since you are building on the past labs, make sure your code passes all tests for previous labs before starting in on this lab.

% cd ~/lab
% git commit -am 'my solution to lab7'
Created commit ...
% git pull
remote: Generating pack...
% git checkout -b lab8 origin/lab8
Branch lab8 set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/lab8.
Switched to a new branch "lab8"
% git merge lab7

We provide you with some skeleton code of the RSM library. The library has the client and server class for RSM in files rsm_client.{cc,h} and rsm.{cc,h}.

The RSM client class (rsm_client) is used by a client program to request service from the master replica in the RSM. The RSM client takes in its constructor the address of a known replica, and immediately contacts the node to learn the addresses of all replicas as well as the current master. The client program (e.g. the lock_client class) can use the call a method on the RSM client object (just as if it were an RPC client). The call method on RSM client will marshall RSM request and send it via the rsm_client_protocol::invoke RPC to the master replica. (The RPC protocol between the RSM client and RSM server (replica) is defined in the rsm_client_protocol class in file rsm_protocol.h).

To turn any server program into a replica in the RSM service, your application (e.g. lock_server_cache class) creates an RSM server object (rsm) and use it in place of the normal RPC server rpcs object. The RSM server constructor creates a config object with arguments consisting the id of the first replica ever created and the id of this server. The RSM server registers a number of RPC handlers and spawns off a recovery thread to synchronize state with the master replica when Paxos has agreed on a stable view.

Once the master is in a stable state, it can process invoke RPCs from RSM clients. For each request, the master assigns it the next viewstamp number with an increasing seqno. The master then issues an invoke RPC on all replicas in the current view. The replicas unmarshall the request, and execute the registered handler. Note that the replicas must execute requests in the same total order as dictated by the requests' viewstamps without any gaps in seqno. If the master has succeeded in executing a request on all replicas (including itself), it will reply to the client. If the master has encountered replica failures during this process, it should instruct its config object to inititate a view change. Occasionally, an RSM client might send its request to a non-master node, in which case the node should reject the client's request by replying with rsm_client_protocol::NOTPRIMARY. The client will then call the members RPC to get an updated list of replicas.

When a failed replica re-joins a running RSM, it has potentially missed many requests and must do a state transfer to bring its state in sync with the other replicas before it can process any requests. Additionally, when the master has encountered a failure during the process of invoking the client request at various replicas, some replicas might have executed the request while others not. Thus, the RSM servers must be able to synchronize its state properly from the agreed upon master node before processing any client requests. We provide some skeleton code to do this; the interface is defined in rsm_state_transfer.h.

Your Job

Your job is to turn the lock_server_cache into a RSM service. Our measure of success is surviving failed master and slaves and incorporating re-joined replicas back into a running RSM. For this lab, you'll need to pass tests 8-13 of rsm_tester.pl (as well as making sure all the file system tests from previous labs work).

The tester picks random ports for the lock server replicas, and starts them up. It redirects output to log files, named as lock_server-[master_port]-[my_port].log. The log for the tester is lock_tester-[master_port].log. Here is the output of a successful run of rsm_tester.pl:

% ./rsm_tester.pl 8 9 10 11 12 13
test8: start 3-process lock service
test9: start 3-process rsm, kill first slave while tester is running
test10: start 3-process rsm, kill second slave while tester is running
test11: start 3-process rsm, kill primary while tester is running
test12: start 3-process rsm, kill first slave at break1, continue with 2, add first slave
test13: start 3-process rsm, kill slave at break1 and restart it while lock_tester is running
./lock_tester: passed all tests successfully
tests done

When debugging, you might want to run the tests individually by just specifying a single test number. You can also specify the same random seed values across run to make rsm_tester.pl choose the same set of random ports. (e.g. ./rsm_tester.pl -s 89362 8) Once your lab works, make sure it is able to pass all (including test 0-7) tests of ./rsm_tester.pl many times in a row as well as the file system tests from previous labs.

Important: As in the previous lab, if rsm_tester.pl fails during the middle of a test, the remaining lock_server processes are not killed and the log files are not cleaned up (so you can debug the causes.). Make sure you do 'killall lock_server; rm -f *.log' to clean up the lingering processes before running rsm_tester.pl again.

Detailed Guidance

Step One: RSM without failures

As the first step, just get the RSM working, assuming that none of the replicas will fail. The basic protocol is:

This will involve filling in the various functions in rsm.cc mentioned above. In particular:

·        rsm::client_invoke(). This RPC handler is called by a client to send a new RSM request to the master. If this RSM replica is undergoing Paxos view changes (i.e. changing is true), it should reply with rsm_client_protocol::BUSY to tell the client to try again later. If this RSM replica is not the master, it should reply with the rsm_client_protocol::NOTPRIMARY status. If it is the master, it first assigns the RPC the next viewstamp number in seqquence, and send an rsm_protocol::invoke RPC to all slaves in the current view. As in the previous lab, you should supply a timeout to the invoke RPC in case any of the slaves have died. To execute a RSM request, you need to use the provided method execute() which unmarshalls the RSM representation of a client's RPC and executes it using the registered handler.

The master must ensure that all client requests are executed in order at all slaves. One way to achieve this is for the master to process each request serially in lockstep. An easy way to ensure that requests are processed one at a time is to hold a mutex in client_invoke() while a request is being processed. However, it would be a bad idea to hold rsm_mutex while calling the invoke RPC, since the rsm_mutex protects the internal data structures of the RSM as well, and nothing else can happen in the RSM while that mutex is held. Instead, you can hold a separate mutex called invoke_mutex, which is used only to serialize calls to client_invoke(). You need to be careful of two things if you serialize requests this way. First, you shouldn't hold rsm_mutex across RPCs. Second, you shouldn't try to acquire invoke_mutex while you are holding rsm_mutex, since that would effectively cause you to hold rsm_mutex for the duration of an RPC.

Once all slaves in the current membership list reply successfully, the master can execute the invoked RPC locally and reply success to the client. If a slave times out, the master instructs its Paxos object to initiate a view change.

·        rsm::invoke(): This RPC handler is invoked on slaves by the master. A slave must ensure the request has the expected sequence number before executing it locally and reply back to the master. It should also ensure that it is indeed a slave under the current stable view; if not, it should reply with an error.

·        The rsm::inviewchange variable keeps track of whether the current replica has successfully synchronized its state with the current master upon the latest view change. If a node has not finished state synchronization, it should not process any RSM requests. For this first step, we do not yet worry about replica failures nor state synchronization so you should temporarily set this variable to be true in the recovery() method.

To change your existing lock server/client to use the RSM objects:

·        Eliminate any randomness in the lock server if there is any, or at the very least make sure the random number generator in each replica is seeded with the same value.

·        Modify lock_server_cache to take in a rsm object in its constructor (e.g., as a pointer) and save it, so that each server can inquire about its master status using the rsm::amiprimary() method. Only the master lock_server_cache should communicate directly with the client. Therefore, you should modify lock_server_cache to check if it is the master before communicating with the lock client(s).

·        Modify lock_smain.cc to instantiate the lock server and pass the rsm object to the server's constructor. (You'll need to remove the ifdef we added in lab 7.) You should also register all RPC handlers of lock_server_cache with the rsm, instead of with the rpcs object (which is no longer needed).

·        Modify lock_client_cache to create rsm_client object in its constructor. The lock_client_cache should use the rsm_client object to perform its RPCs, in place of the old rpcc object (no longer needed). The lock_client_cache sends RPCs as usual with the call method of the rsm_client object. The method will further call rsm_client::invoke with marshalled request.

Upon completion of step one, you should be able to pass './rsm_tester.pl 8'. This test starts three lock_servers one after another, waits for Paxos to reach an agreement, then performs tests on the lock service using lock_tester.

Step Two: Cope with Backup Failures and Implement state transfer

In this step, you will handle node failures as well as joins in a running RSM. Upon detecting failure or a new node joining, the underlying Paxos protocol is kicked into action. When Paxos has reached an agreement on the next new view, it calls the rsm object's commit_change() to indicate that a new view is formed. When a new view is first formed, the rsm::inviewchange variable is set to true, indicating that this node needs to recover its RSM state before processing any RSM requests again. Recovery is done in a separate recoverythread in the rsm::recovery() method.

After a view change, each replica should recover by transferring state from the master. Its state must be identical to the master's before processing any RSM requests in the new view. Once recovery is finished, the replica should set its rsm::inviewchange variable to false to allow the processing of RSM requests. The master should not send any requests to the backups until all the backups have recovered.

To implement state transfer, first make lock_server_cache into a subclass of rsm_state_transfer interface. Second, implement the marshal_state and unmarshal_state methods for lock_server_cache. Use the YFS RPC marshalling code to turn various internal state into strings and vice versa. For example, if state of your lock server consists of a std::map called locks that mapped lock name (std::string) to a list of clients waiting to grab the lock (std::vector), the code might look roughly as follows:

lock_server_cache::marshal_state() {
  // lock any needed mutexes
  marshall rep;
  rep << locks.size();
  std::map< std::string, std::vector >::iterator iter_lock;
  for (iter_lock = locks.begin(); iter_lock != locks.end(); iter_lock++) {
    std::string name = iter_lock->first;
    std::vector vec = locks[name];
    rep << name;
    rep << vec;
  // unlock any mutexes
  return rep.str();
lock_server_cache::unmarshal_state(std::string state) {
  // lock any needed mutexes
  unmarshall rep(state);
  unsigned int locks_size;
  rep >> locks_size;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < locks_size; i++) {
    std::string name;
    rep >> name;
    std::vector vec;
    rep >> vec;
    locks[name] = vec;
  // unlock any mutexes

In the lock_server_cache constructor, call the rsm's set_state_transfer method with this as the argument so that rsm can call lock_server_cache's marshal_state and unmarshal_state function later.

Now you should be able to pass './rsm_tester.pl 9 10'. These tests starts three lock servers and kills or restarts the second slave while running the lock_tester simultaneously.

Step Three: Cope with Primary Failures

The rsm_client::invoke() method handles two special cases. First, if the replica that the client sends the invoke RPC to is no longer the primary, that replica returns rsm_client_protocol::NOTPRIMARY. In this case, the client calls init_members(), which sends a members RPC to the old primary to update its list of replicas. Then the client retries its request.

The second case is where the replica isn't responding at all (so the invoke RPC fails). In this case, init_members() won't work because the members RPC will also fail. In this case, the client calls rsm_client::primary_failure(), which should make it forget about the failed replica and ask a different replica for an updated list of members. Then invoke() should retry as before.

We have given you most of the code you need. Your job is simply to write rsm_client::primary_failure() to handle the second case.

If you did not use sequence numbers when implementing your caching lock server, you will need to add them now. In lab 5, the sequence numbers in the RPC layer were sufficient to avoid duplicate requests. However, in this lab, consider what happens if a replica crashes while some replicas have executed the request and others have not. A view change will occur, and the client will re-send the request in the new view. If the new primary has already executed the request, the RPC handler in lock_server_cache will be invoked twice. Note that if the primary crashes while (or shortly after) executing an acquire or release RPC, after recovery it will be ambiguous as to whether the appropriate retry or revoke RPCs were sent in the previous view.

A simple way to address this is to have clients that are waiting to acquire locks retry automatically every 3 seconds, even in the absence of a retry RPC. The servers can use sequence numbers (see Lab 5 for details) to identify duplicate acquire requests; however, when a server gets a duplicate acquire and another client holds the lock, it should send another revoke anyway, in case the first revoke got lost due to a crash. If you designed your protocol as we suggested in Lab 5, it should already behave correctly if there are duplicate retry and revoke RPCs.

Now you should be able to pass './rsm_tester.pl 11'. This test starts three lock servers and kills the primary while running the lock_tester simultaneously.

Step Four: Complicated failures

In rsm::client_invoke, place the function breakpoint1() after the master has finished invoking RSM request on one slave and before it moves on to issue RSM request to other slaves. In the three server test scenario (test 12), this causes the master to fail after one slave has finished the latest request and the other slave has not seen the latest request yet. If you have implemented recovery correctly, the set of RSM servers in the new view resolve this case correctly and all master/slaves will start executing requests from identical state. Note that since the rsm_client has not heard back from the master in the previous view, it will retry its request in the new view (in rsm_client::invoke()). This might cause your lock server to execute duplicate requests, but that is OK as long as these requests are idempotent, meaning they can be executed multiple times in a row without affecting correctness.

Next, place the function breakpoint1() in rsm::invoke just after the slave has finished executing a request. In the three server test scenario (test 13), this causes the second slave to fail after it has finished the latest request. Again, if you have implemented recovery correctly, the set of RSM servers in the new view resolve this case correctly and all master/slaves will start executing requests from identical state.

If your RSM works correctly, you should be able to pass './rsm_tester.pl 12 13'.


Here are a few things you can do if you finish the lab early and feel like improving your code. These are not required, and there are no associated bonus points, but some of you may find them interesting.

Handin procedure

You will need to email your completed code (without binaries) as a gzipped tar file to ds-assignment@mpi-sws.org by the deadline stated at the top of the page. To do this, switch to the source directory and execute these commands:

% tar czvf MATR1-MATR2-lab8.tgz lab/

That should produce a file called MATR1-MATR2-lab8.tgz in that directory, where MATR1 and MATR2 are the matriculation numbers of the team members. Attach that file to an email and send it to the address above with the subject "Assignment8 - LastName1 LastName2".

You will receive full credit if your software passes the same tests we gave you when we run your software on our machines.

Questions or comments regarding this course? Please use the general course mailing list or the teaching staff mailing list.

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